Pandemic Memorial


Montevideo, Uruguay

Inspirado por la experiencia global de la pandemia, pero pensado como una contribución al futuro, el «Memorial mundial a la pandemia: espacio homenaje a la vida y a la naturaleza» es un espacio público orientado a la reflexión que, si bien surge por la experiencia de esta pandemia, no se limita a ella ni a la forma en que el planeta la enfrenta. Por el contrario, tiene como objetivo seguir construyendo una conciencia colectiva que nos recuerde que el ser humano no es el centro del ecosistema en que vive ya que siempre estará subordinado a la naturaleza.

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Here at Radon, we've developed a set of tools and 360 solutions for the digital marketing industry, looking to seamlessly organise and integrate this complex process from end-to-end. Our software consists of three main components: Radon Automation (to help with the creation, management and optimisation of landing pages), Radon CMS (for building and publishing the responsive, multilingual web links associated with all landers), and Radon CRM (for tracking, verifying, and storing all client data obtained from received web traffic). Each of these intertwined components comes together to help create, manage, and optimise global campaigns across a multitude of integrated third-party platforms like Google, Facebook, and more.

Beyond our proprietary software, we do offer custom content marketing solutions for any business looking to broaden their reach. If you think Radon could help your business grow, feel free to reach out and start a conversation—we would love to hear from you and share our ideas on how to make your company soar. We look forward to hearing from you!

Here at Radon, we've developed a set of tools and 360 solutions for the digital marketing industry, looking to seamlessly organise and integrate this complex process from end-to-end. Our software consists of three main components: Radon Automation (to help with the creation, management and optimisation of landing pages), Radon CMS (for building and publishing the responsive, multilingual web links associated with all landers), and Radon CRM (for tracking, verifying, and storing all client data obtained from received web traffic). Each of these intertwined components comes together to help create, manage, and optimise global campaigns across a multitude of integrated third-party platforms like Google, Facebook, and more.